A Return to Action

It’s not that I’ve not traveled any of the trails in the past 6+ years (hard to believe it’s been that long!?) – but I kind of let this site go by the wayside after I completed the bulk of the trails pages. I kept a little better with my nature centered blog, but poured most of my efforts into the natural history wiki.

Over the past few years, there’s been quite a lot of trail work done – both improvement of existing trails, as well as the creation of new trails – sometimes completely new, and in other cases extensions of existing trail. I recently decided it’s time for an entire site upgrade. To that end, I’ll be converting all the trail pages into a new, hopefully richer and easier to update format using different software. I am also hoping that in the end it will be possible for interested trail users (maybe more than just me) to provide updates and such for current trail conditions.

In the coming months, I intend to traverse all the trails along the Sitka road system at least – and hopefully at least some of the ones near by that are off the road system. I’ll be making gps tracks to include on the site, and getting myself a little freshened up on overall trail conditions. As I do this, I figured it would be worthwhile to reactivate this blog to document some of these outings.

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